Saturday, November 24, 2012

Blog Tours, Bookmarks, and Bears...OH MY!

My journey into publishing continues, and just like Dorothy and her friends as they entered The Haunted Forest in the Land of Oz, I'm entering into a world I haven't experienced before, full of the unknown. It's just a wee bit scary, but thrilling at the same time!

I just turned in what I hope are my last edits, and on the heels of that comes the marketing plan. I had so many questions for my marketing manager...How do I set up a blog tour? Should I have a separate website and blog? Should I pass out bookmarks? How can I get some pre-release reviews? How can you have a book signing or something similar when your novel is released in e-format and POD only? Without going into detail on all of these questions, the one answer I was ecstatic to hear is that Evernight Teen will set up a blog tour for me! Considering that I don't know the first thing about blog tours, this is fantastic news! I had already given them a list of YA bloggers who added PHOENIX: THE RISING to their to-read list on Goodreads (you can add it, too), so they'll be adding them to their list of blogs they'll be contacting. I can't wait!

With all this marketing stuff swimming around in my head, I'm really curious...
Author friends--What are your top marketing strategies for promoting your work? How do you utilize Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Pinterest, etc.? I would be eternally grateful for any advice you can give this newbie!
Non-author friends--What type of promotional material do you like to see/what influences you to read a book? Do you ever watch book trailers? Do you read reviews before you buy a book? Are you more likely to order a book in e-format or in print? Would you ever attend a book signing?  I really value your input, so PLEASE leave a comment and let me know what you're thinking!

(BTW--Have you seen the trailer for OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL? It looks absolutely fantabulous! Have a peek HERE! )

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